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Case Study: Brochure for ESRF

Business People Brochure Design Concept Case Study ESRF

The European Stroke Research Foundation (ESRF) provides information and funding to research companies involved with Strokes. Much of their statistical information is gathered from medical research organisations and hospital and patient data from all around the European Union. The ESRF wanted to create a brochure to generate awareness of what they do – in a […]

What makes a good logo?

Logos, like paintings, are subjective but, unlike paintings, logos have a job to do: to communicate the identity of a business, organisation or brand. This is one of the most difficult disciplines within graphic design because not only should a graphical representation of the business, organisation or brand be included, but there are a whole […]

Vector versus pixel-based

Split image of vector and pixel-based illustration of raspberry

If you work with graphic designers, marketing companies, PR and advertising agencies, you may have been asked to supply a logotype or other graphic or icon. But if you’ve sent them a JPG, PNG or GIF, I’ll bet they’ve replied with “Can you send me a vector – or an ‘AI’ version?” So, what’s a […]